
Registration Information

Note: please scroll down to view registration instructions in English.

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1. 点击上面的注册链接后登录帐号。如果您还没有帐号,请通过‘Register 注册’建立家庭账号。请注意查看系统发送的确认email的邮件并点击邮件内链接进行确认,邮件可能误入您的垃圾邮件箱。注册后在家庭账号内添加学生信息。

2. 如果您的孩子是现有学生,升班后的课程已经加进了您的购物车。如果您需要修改课程或给新生报名,请在用户菜单下点击“注册课程”然后添加想要注册的课程到购物车。

3. 在购物车页面底部点击同意条款,然后"Secure Check Out"付款。您可以使用paypal账号或信用卡进行付款。

4. 付款成功后您将收到一封标题为"Your Payment Confirmation"的邮件,在账号的"Registered Classes 已注册清单"一项也可以看到已经注册的课程。


1. 点击上面的注册链接后登录帐号。如果您还没有帐号,请通过‘Register 注册’建立家庭账号。请注意查看系统发送的确认email的邮件并点击邮件内链接进行确认,邮件可能误入您的垃圾邮件箱。注册后在家庭账号内添加学生信息。

2. 在用户菜单下点击“注册课程”然后选择学生和“非中文副课”类别,添加想要注册的课程到购物车。

3. 在购物车页面底部点击同意条款,然后"Secure Check Out"付款。您可以使用paypal账号或信用卡进行付款。

4. 付款成功后您将收到一封标题为"Your Payment Confirmation"的邮件,在账号的"Registered Classes 已注册清单"一项也可以看到已经注册的课程。

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Step by step registration instructions for Chinese class registration:

1. After you have opened the above link, log into your account. If you do not have an account, you can create a family account by clicking 'Register 注册'. Please make sure you check your email and click the link in the account confirmation email sent by the registration system (check your spam box if needed). Once you have confirmed your account, log in and add your children's information.

2. If your child is an existing student, the course for this semester has been added to your cart. If you would like to change the course or register for a new student, please add the course(s) of your choice to your shopping cart.

3. At the bottom of the shopping cart page check the box to agree with policies, then choose 'Secure Check Out" to make payment. You can use your paypal account or a credit card.

4. You will receive a confirmation email with the title "Your Payment Confirmation". You will also find the class(es) you have successfully registered in "Registered Classes 已注册清单" on account home page.

Step by step registration instructions for enrichment class registration:

1. After you have opened the above link, log into your account. If you do not have an account, you can create a family account by clicking 'Register 注册'. Please make sure you check your email and click the link in the account confirmation email sent by the registration system (check your spam box if needed). Once you have confirmed your account, log in and add your children's information.

2. On the "Member" age click "Register Course". Choose student and the "Non-Chinese Enrichment Courses" category, and then add the course(s) of your choice to your shopping cart.

3. At the bottom of the shopping cart page check the box to agree with policies, then choose 'Secure Check Out" to make payment. You can use your paypal account or a credit card.

4. You will receive a confirmation email with the title "Your Payment Confirmation". You will also find the class(es) you have successfully registered in "Registered Classes 已注册清单" on account home page.